Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Fun Run

Many thanks to all the helpers/marshals/parents
who turned out to help and support all the athletes.
With over 30 people taking part on a frostie and snowie day
we all looked forward to some hot soup afterwards.
Everyone getting warm

Rodger first in the queue Emma telling him to get to the back

Its no good you just cant get between Rodger and food

Dont worry about your hair Maureen it was bad already

Izzy showing her brothers up with a good hat

Sorry Roberto camera missed your somersault

Its not a new world record Rachel

Olivia look who you beat

Sorry I didn't mean to upset you

Hallie's happy because she beat her dog

Stewart just because your big brother has got a bad hat doesnt mean you have to have one

Thats some bad hat Andy

Stewart's happy because he beat his sister

Was it really that bad Ruth

Call the fashion police

Nice tea shirt Camie

Gemma its not musical statues

Bruce celebrating getting to the food first

A hardie bunch

Or maybe mad

That's just not right

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Kelvin Hall 13th December

Pictures from the first Kelvin Hall with a selection of video from the high jump.